let the dirt do its work.


something I have to tell myself often

so I can quit overthinking or replaying scenarios.

“I don’t know how i’m going to make it”

but i don’t have to know how

“i don’t know who God is going to use to help me through this”

but i don’t have to know how

it might be manna from the sky…

it might be a widow at Zeraptath…

or it might be a little’s boys lunch that i didn’t count in the total because i thought it was insignificant.

God might use the littlest thing,

so I don’t have to know how.

we’re often stuck because we need to know too much

we need to be perceived as someone who knows/understands things

and little do we know that this thirst for knowing 

thwarts or impedes our faith 

because faith isn’t a tangible thing,

it’s a belief in the unknown

faith is planting a seed believing that the environment

is going to nourish, nurture, and process

whatever is in inside that seed in order for it to grow.

however, soil represents uncertainty

and yet the farmer sometimes must admit that

“i don’t even know how

the frustration of knowing everything often shows up when

the seed that’s scattered doesn’t produce.

you chose the soil

you prepared the environment

you put the right amount of water…

you prayed and the cancer still ate their body…

you hoped and the marriage still failed…

you loved and the love you expected and desired didn’t truly love you back…

you experienced defeat and stopped expecting a harvest.

let’s remember that obedience is the job of the farmer

to plant

but increase only comes from walking away 

and letting God do what He does best…

work in the darkness.

we don’t have to understand the events in our lives

i think it’s better sometimes that we stay in a state of uncertainty 

or that we don’t know every single thing

so we don’t get confused between our insignificance in planting a seed  vs. being the source of the seed’s promotion.

God has set us free from the expectation to understand

Obedience is my job…

Outcome is God’s.

Let Him do His job

Let the dirt do it’s work…

Let the sufferings of this present time…

harvest a glory that cannot be contained.

i’m in the dirt stages of my dreams right now

the plunge into darkness.

feeling myself being watered

feeling strong roots tied to goodness

being pulled down

anchoring me.

every promise needs a pit

every dream needs dirt

and faith needs fertilizer: the messy, smelly stuff.

for all of the rejection

low places, heresy,

confusion, mass attacks…

God intends to use it for good and the saving of many lives…

so let the dirt do its work.

Marissa DiggsComment